Ground Shark™ SD SS Brush Cutter 60"
$ 4,320.00
Brand machineryplanet
Recommended Hydraulic Flow (GPM) 15-25
Cutting Width
The Ground SharkTM Standard Duty Brush Cutter is designed to clear light to medium density brush and hardwoods up to 4” in diameter. The Ground SharkTM direct drive system runs efficient, smooth and quiet whilw directingthe toughest material.
Ground Shark Features
Dual pressure reliefs on the hydraulic motor allow for bi-directional operation protect against pressure spikes that could damage the drive system
If the situation requires, the cutting blades will stop rotating within seconds once the motor is disengaged to maximize operator & worksite safety, minimizing the potential of damage to the machine & overall drive system
.25” thick steel deck design
Replaceable skid shoes
An optional pressure gauge is easily visible to the operator and helps prevent excessive stalling and overheating
Bi-directional forged steel blades allow operator to cut in both directions extending operational life and reducing maintenance costs
Optional dual wheel kits are available that mount to the underside of the front deck to keep the blades off the ground and prevent scalping
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